That's an amazing Queen Boo. I went on a binge of saving these when the meme first started, had well over 1000. This is one of the best yet <3
That's an amazing Queen Boo. I went on a binge of saving these when the meme first started, had well over 1000. This is one of the best yet <3
That's cool as hell. Looks a lot like the kind of girl kazooie would be given her personality. She's pretty tough and snarky. The highlights in the hair are really awesome. And the jiggy coat. S+
Very cute
like my MOM
Ramen is fucking delicious. We have a chicken miso ramen at a place near here, and holy shit. Just the broth alone is so tasty.
Dad n Me looks awesome dude
Those legs
those beautiful hairy legs hahaha
Man, her boss theme is fucking great too. Great job on the background :3
Do it friend, throw a good joke in there and you might end up on the front page.
Oof that would be nice
I really wanna get something done tho, I haven't really been doing much lately lol
I always liked her hairstyle. I like your version of her even more than the actual show though.
Joined on 2/7/09