Looks kind of like an old pokesprite. ALSO. Ready for something weird and cat related? I just woke up from some vivid dream not 5 minutes ago. Of being alone in an old house sometime after new years, with a whole bunch of dogs and cats. But this dream location I can remember being in before, so my first thought is. "Shit, those animals have been waiting for me, there's snow on the ground. Are they all still alive? Or are any lost?"
So some are and aren't, because who knows how long its been since I last dreamed of being there. But I rounded up all the dogs I could find nearby into this back bedroom. And sure enough there are 4 little black kittens still there, with one that is very clearly a runt and super small, but all appeared to be healthy. PLEASED TO REPORT MY DREAM CATS ARE A-OK! but its hard to take care of them since I dont know when ill dream of them again.
Whew. Bet you weren't expecting that comment.