Super cute. Love the mushrooms.
Super cute. Love the mushrooms.
Thank you!!
Are you perhaps, A Nier fan? :3
Sadly not. ;A;
I wasn't able to get the newest game, but I do like the characters.
Whip it out ba- Man, I'm loving the new season. It's only going to be 10 episodes which is a little sad, but I'm happy to have it. It's so high quality so far, I love everything about it.
The show throws a few grimdark moments at you that's for sure. I don't know if things will ever get to this level, but I hope we keep getting some surprises. In a way I miss the older episodes since we knew less about the universe and there was more left to explore. Now that things are fleshed out a lot of the mystery is gone. I really liked 'The test' for its music and atmosphere, and since that's also where Steven first shows a lot of maturity and awareness in the situation.
I know! But I still think there are ways to surprise us. For example, we actually still don't know much about Rose, and even less about Pink and White Diamonds.
I know it's just rough work, but the flow of the animation and dramatic angles look so good. How long did it take you to get this finished?
Thank you! This rough took a couple days. I should have the matte color up soon though.
Looks pretty cool and authentic, like a dress made of space and stars.
Thank you! That is totally what I was going for!
Had a good time during the testfire too. You going to get it on release day?
I SO am! I adore that game.
Ayy, you're still at it! I used to talk to you on MSN once in awhile, good to see you're still in the animation biz. Traditional art has been going out of style, so it's more important than ever that people like you keep doing what you do best. Keep up the good work.
Long time no see! Thanks for all support over the years!
God I hated this little bastard. Good on you though.
Joined on 2/7/09