Nobody guided people through Scholomance like Snabe, a place of many memories of rats, a questionable paladin tank, and getting teleported out of the boss room.
Nobody guided people through Scholomance like Snabe, a place of many memories of rats, a questionable paladin tank, and getting teleported out of the boss room.
Precious memories.
The mini beast is precious and beautiful.
Also this as a concept is very funny and cute.
Can't wait for the unreleased GBA game to come out.
Since you draw in a retro anime style so much, what are your personal favorite retro animes you really like? No judgment, just looking for shows I should watch. I really liked Black Lagoon, and although I only watched a bit, visually Bastard! was appealing. I love seeing old goofy voice acting matched with great hand drawn visuals.
What made you decide to put them in sailor outfits?
My beautiful red boi, in all his splendor
I always have mixed feelings about redraws, because often the sketchy imperfect look of the older versions appeal to me more. In this case I really like the new one a lot, the lines are cleaner but the colours are also really nice. It's like looking at the older rusted version, then the shiny version where she's been restored and cleaned up, or at her newest. Super pretty and cool design.
Aww thank you so much for your kind words! (^-^) I'm glad you like the new version, as well as the old one! That's actually a pretty cool observation/idea, with the whole rusted vs new/polished thing! That's very fitting! I like it! (^w^)
Everybody loves Curly, myself included
Loooooooooooooooooong Naaaaarg!
Joined on 2/7/09