I love all things gothic.
I love all things gothic.
I really loved this show.
Love it, really captures her crazy and obsessive nature.
Ah! Oh gosh thank you so much!! Glad you like how she turned out! (^-^)
This is quite a different style for you, like the look of this one.
Lookin swole bird
Kat wins on stubbornness alone
A man of culture I see
Love the contrast with the sky and lighting, especially her eyes glowing bright through it all. Appreciate that you gave her huge donhongeros but kept the face more creepy. I never had darkstalkers growing up, but i later found it on the PSP. The spritework and character design of that series is truly wonderful, and this girl is one of the best to come from it along with her Hsien Ko/LeiLei
Looking good, solid animation and use of black and white. I'm unfamiliar with the comic, what's it about?
I can appreciate this, I honestly haven't thought about Pico's design much over the years. I played the original game back in the day, but the Pico I became familiar with was via the ratings, and just various frontpaged fanart or site wallpapers.
Joined on 2/7/09