I never understood cars either, I had two friends who would always talk about different makes and models and get excited when X thing drove by, no idea. I just nerded and played vidya.
I never understood cars either, I had two friends who would always talk about different makes and models and get excited when X thing drove by, no idea. I just nerded and played vidya.
Saw 'Bleach' and was getting excited for one of my favorite animu. Looks good tho'
Mob! Mob!
What do you want!
Move! Move!
Just like Mob!
Didn't know it was your Birdthday, happy belated, hope you got some cake and ice cream.
Also whenever I look at the orange and blue bird feathers, I think of it like a mascot of some kind. Is Bird a mascot? maybe she should be.
Very Pink,
Very Blue,
Jinx a cute,
Kaiba kinda too,
Hahaha it was only a matter of time eh? I really like her design too. I love gothic settings in general ever since playing a bunch of Castlevanias. The castle looks really comfy, why can't that aesthetic be an actual housing option irl? who wants to live in an apartment or a regular house when you could live somewhere like that?
There's a movie that I'm pretty sure only I liked called 'The Haunting' its super old now, but the setting is also a huge spooky gothic castle with secret passages and the like. I hope this game satisfies that urge.
Hehe I've been wanting to draw Lady D ever since we got those first glimpses of her in the very first trailers! x3
Oh man The Haunting! I love that film! The original one. Not the remake though. Too goofy for my taste and I would have much preferred if they strayed more true to the original film's tone haha. The original is wonderful and oozes with gothic atmosphere and dread~ I love it! I also agree that the castle and atmosphere of Village also reminds me of the film! (^-^)
Who's your favorite Sonic VO?
My favorite goddess, gimme those crit buffs
My child self cried like a little bitch when this game was over. For some reason seeing him walk off, then fade away with only his helmet remaining made me think he was dead forever.
There's that stupid duck again lmao
Joined on 2/7/09