immediately made me think of this
immediately made me think of this
Pretty cool gallery in general, wasn't expecting woodburning when I checked out your stuff. Very cool
Thank you!
But what kinda music does he listen to on those headphones?
he makes EDM music and listens to it!
I'm gonna fry up this bird with some butter and onions.
she's still just a boy!!!!!!!!!!
Lol I was looking back at Bloody Roar Primal Fury on Gamecube recently. I used to stand and play on the Gamecube Demo kiosks in the grocery store back when they had them. Always thought bloody roar was bizarre but interesting as halfway through a fight people are turning into tigers and moles and demons and shit. I remember I specifically picked out Xion because his form looked cool and he wasn't an animal, but also liked the Ninja guy's human form as he looked like Strider with his red scarf.
So how did you become such a big fan of Adeline anyway? Is Kirb64 just your favorite game?
It started when I made that one "Where is our Adeleine" video. I was working on a sequel that would be 25+ minutes long for 2 years. Turns out drawing a character every single day for 2 years (Even if it was a dark clone version) made me have a soft spot for her.
Cute Snek
Still one of my 2nd favorite roll design.
His helmet reminds me of lord Zed
ChunderThighs. You've gotten better, but old doesn't mean bad either, always keep all of your old stuff somewhere, remember every step that brings you where you are today, in case you ever lose something important and need to go back.
Joined on 2/7/09