I want to ____ that bird.
I want to ____ that bird.
Those are some tall ass candles.
Also, is the ritual where she lights them all in a big circle, then tries to find her way out while bumping into them all?
LMAO yeah
Moth time
Using the same style as the new Sonic animations eh? Looks great.
Well, those are quite charming, and thanks!
The roundness of her face reminds me of the old /v/ memes https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTrufSVoJHic0KWfd1_etlDGEO0idWL5vTMMw&usqp=CAU
I like the lighting and clothes tho.
LOL omg I didn't even think of that, I can see that too tho
Also ty!! It was a quick lil thing tho so I could've done a lot better imo
One of the few cases where the real life version and the fantasy version are pretty much the same. Cool makeup
thank u so much !! ♡♡♡
Demonic booty.
indeeed~ ♡
Damn, the colors on this are fucking awesome, I mean i'm a little biased because I like red, but everything looks so bright and clean. I love seeing traditional art like this, and its stellar quality.
You should draw some more thicc Fi sometime, there isn't enough art of Fi in general and your style is some of the best I've found. Come on friend, bless this world with some more great art. I'm sure you've got an idea floating around somewhere. She's a character in Hyrule warriors too you know.
I don't know what it is, but this room just looks really comfy to me. Good atmosphere
Joined on 2/7/09