New crash to look forward to
New crash to look forward to
pretty neat, it seems a little sad that the plant companion helped her out with all of those tasks, and then becomes the beacon for the lighthouse at the end. Does that mean he just stays there until he eventually wilts away? also it's always nice to see animations from the past, back when the motivation to due everything wasn't just how much money people will make from their patreon follows or youtube ads. I like passion projects.
No, he doesn't die after he becomes the beacon, he just needs everything they picked up throughout the day in order to do it. She brings him back home and they do it again every day.
Man, I love your audio and music. You are 100% bizarre in the best way and i've encountered nothing else like it. This wasn't as extensive as Runmo, but you probably spent way longer on that one, even so I still really liked it along with your cast of weird characters. Keep making whatever you wanna make, and i'll keep watching it.
Psychedelic, no idea what's going on but I like it.
I liked it, had humor, was making a clear statement of sorts, and for anyone else reading this, I'm pretty much politically neutral, I don't love or hate Trump. Anyway, I like that you did this without dialogue, too many people have to say their piece rather than show it, and the whole point of media and animation is that you have way more freedom of expression. Keep making whatever you want to make amigo.
"You can't learn this stuff at school Simba, I had to learn all this stuff on my own." I used to have thoughts like these all the time in school, like "Aren't we just a bunch of animals, all herded into a classroom, while one animal preaches some imaginary gospel of thoughts and ideas of how the world and the universe works that they read in a book or heard from another animal, meanwhile we aren't just all clubbing each other with sticks or rocks, its truly amazing that this event is happening at all"
Man I love watching these, your storytelling and visual jokes make a 20 minute video going by hardly even noticeable. Sometimes I try to watch all the episodes from wherever I left off, but man it's one of those things where its good enough, and full of enough nostalgia for another era that I'm afraid of running out of it. Cause one day there won't be anything good left. I think I have maybe a couple of studio ghibli movies left that I haven't seen, and one of them is grave of the fireflies, i'm sure that one will leave me with good feels ;) Keep up the good work buddy, always a joy to watch.
Joined on 2/7/09