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pretty neat, it seems a little sad that the plant companion helped her out with all of those tasks, and then becomes the beacon for the lighthouse at the end. Does that mean he just stays there until he eventually wilts away? also it's always nice to see animations from the past, back when the motivation to due everything wasn't just how much money people will make from their patreon follows or youtube ads. I like passion projects.

rtil responds:

No, he doesn't die after he becomes the beacon, he just needs everything they picked up throughout the day in order to do it. She brings him back home and they do it again every day.

Hahaha, this is a lot better than the fish one for sure. Are these all old works or are you just pumping these out that fast? I'm enjoying most of what you've made

wavetro responds:

Yeah, I release these videos as soon as I finish them! It has definitely taken a toll on me though, so I've started slowing down a bit to prevent any more destruction to my health lol

Great hyness impression lol. Star allies was a pretty visually appealing game, specially toward the end with the final boss. Just wish the framerate had been better.

KimiOmega responds:

It was a fantastic game yeah!
tho it felt a bit short, the DLC added afterwards was really cool

This is such a weird and interesting series, I'm happy to see another one so soon. The way you draw Adeline, it's slightly lewd and violent. The content of these animations so far has been in the spirit of Kirby, but also kind of violent and creepy. We see lots of animations with hyper violence and comedy, but this has been something different and interesting. I really like it so far, so keep up the good work.

KimiOmega responds:

Thank you for the comment
When animating/ drawing my other series, my goal is always to make it appealing to look at but with a good dose of edge/violence (too much would be boring and forced) I want that to be my trademark.

As for the "lewd" part, I really don't want things to get weird. It's boring to me and I don't like it.
It's just another series from your boy: Charming, dumb but still some good fun!

Hahaha, I can really appreciate your depictions of the early internet. Back when I was refreshing QC, Darkencomic, VGcats, crazy sunshine, Super squad(go read that one https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Nintendo_Super_Squad/4985727/) and whatever the fuck that really well drawn gnome comic was. There was so much wild stuff back then with maybe only a few hundred viewers, and people were still happy to make it even if they weren't really getting paid for it. Plus I guess, no public shaming for whatever you chose to make.

I felt that same fall off of webcomics around the same time, not sure why, probably has to do with the internet becoming more of a google/twitter/facebook space and less scattered crazy domains that only you as an individual might find like some sort of lost relic. I think there still is a bit of a scene out there, I found this smackjeeves site the other day that apparently hosts a bunch of comics. Also drunkduck seems to still be around.

I always wanted to draw webcomics too, but I realized very early that I was both lazy and had no real artistic talent for visualizing things. I have old scribblers and sketchbooks full of not quite stick people with triangle heads and sayain armor because anime was fucking cool back then and I just wanted to be as good as they were. In the end, I'm old now, and I spent all of my time playing video games or working, so I never graduated beyond my childish art, and as such I'm stuck knowing I probably will never have the time or the drive to make things like you and others do. Still I have that desire to create things, and I think about it a lot, because I want people to understand those memories I have from the 90s and early 2000s, so I can show people just how fucking good things could be, or produce some kind of content that was reminiscent of those times. But eh, watching this is the next best thing, so thanks for providing amigo. don't die anytime soon, maybe we can live long enough to download our brains into a virtual reality someday.

Raziberry responds:

Here's hoping!

The design of the tower was pretty nice, obviously there's lots of cleaning and throwing out trash, is this a message about cleaning up personal junk and moving on? What was the intention?

IncendiaryStarfish responds:

Yeah basically, Its like cleaning out the trash in your mind to open it up and move on

Hmm...it was interesting, but it wasnt either creepy enough or funny enough. It seemed like it was going funny first? But maybe the intention was creepy the whole way through, so I felt like it ended a bit abruptly after little buildup

Mental-Autopsy responds:

It's supposed to be a combo of creepy and funny, the two don't have to exist separately

No Von Bomb in this episode? Also nice to see you again SL. Have loved watching your stuff since probably....2008? 2009? Its been a long ass time. I hope you're doing well in this weird subpar future we've gotten ourselves into. Also, I'd love to see another project with you and weebl together. I think that was one of your best.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i'm doing pretty well thanks. Vonbomb plays the bar lady here. you'll hear more of her in episode 3


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