Gives me animated Hercules vibes.
Gives me animated Hercules vibes.
Love your videos, shame its just a short one, but i'm always happy to see Nox during these tough times. God I'm so messed up since the last times, In my age I've grown so scared of death, not just from disease mind you, but everything, my own body turning against me. I hope you're doing better than I am, I hope we can all keep living a long time.
Love stop motion, didn't like that
Not funny
didn't laugh
Love it.
Whoever you got for the voice of the priest was some stellar Tony Jay esque glory. Loved it, these animations are disgusting and gross but entertaining, and the voice acting is wonderful. Loved Guiseppe too.
It needed to be done.
I love how fucking dated this looks. Like an early 2000s or late 90s 3d. Fucking beautiful man
Loved it, very gruesome but still very cute. Think it needed a bit more cute to balance things out.
Good point!
Joined on 2/7/09