I just wanna see them cage fight
set a precedent where all celebs and politicians start doing it
then have Bernie Sanders fight someone equally old and wrinkly for votes
I just wanna see them cage fight
set a precedent where all celebs and politicians start doing it
then have Bernie Sanders fight someone equally old and wrinkly for votes
sick moves birdley
Terry was the only death I wouldn't allow under any circumstances. He is too pure.
Is this your first time finishing Lisa? if so, how did you like it? who was your favorite party member?
Goddamn that was a rollercoaster and kept me hooked.
Didn't expect much from the style, but man the story was worth it.
So why is this labeled dreamcast collab when it's just the rat ashley joke? I'm confused. Wasn't there an actual dreamcast collab in the works?
no this is the dreamcast collab
sorry dude this is the Dreamcast collab
This is the Dreamcast Collab, and all of the entries feature classic Dreamcast games.
they gave us permission to post it early
Damn you went all out.
How long were you working on this? There were so many unique frames and background objects. I know it's styled after an old anime, but it really doesn't feel like a modern imitation either, probably because there isn't really any art style out there like yours. That 8 minutes flew by. Any plans to make more or is this more or less a complete 1 off thing?
Love your work as always Speedo
Extremely spicy trailer and beautiful pixel art. Since it's all concept the real game might not turn out that good, but I'd love to see it without any corners cut from that trailer. Like have it look exactly like those sequences with no compromise. I wouldn't even care if it was a short game, it would be worth it. Remember Ghost Trick? same idea. Good quality stylized work transcends time. I really hope you get funded and can make it a reality, I'm dirt poor atm or else I would donate as well.
Every shot in there is in-game!
I don't understand all the Elon hate, he seems like a chill guy, but every media outlet wants his head on a pike. The worst I've seen him do is make some inflammatory remarks then a bunch of people acting like he's super hitler because he's in position of power because money. It makes me wonder if I was rich or famous if everyone would suddenly spread lies about me.
Joined on 2/7/09