The ghost egg reveal wasn't as mindblowing as I was hoping for, but I loved your voice acting Zeural. Certain things about Shrike's voice seemed a little odd and weird like his random spanish, but It was either his voice or all of the crazy good expressive animation that kept me watching start to finish. I usually have a hard time getting committed to long videos like this and watch in pieces.
The different side characters introduced like the lizard lady was a very cool design. I think certain like, general story dialogue stuff could be slightly better, but the characters themselves were very expressive and cool to look at. I think the skeleton guy's voice was sort of mismatched, but I get that he's supposed to be a dumb henchmen kind of character, so maybe just the delivery could be better. Given he was responding to lizard lady a lot, when I heard the little clam looking guy sounding like commander peepers from wander over yonder a bit I felt like there was overlap.
But yes, I don't want this just to be a bunch of me complaining about random little shit, I'm only saying it because I really love the genuine potential and how fucking awesome everything looked. Seriously, all those action sequences were cool as hell, Shrike animated fluidly and pulling faces during every step of combat. It was all fucking clean and awesome. Lots of physical gags and I loved it. I will DEFINITELY watch more. I'm sure this took forever to make, so I don't know when to expect another, but I really hope I live to see the day.