Rofl the fuck did I just watch. Stellar animation quality, cucko licking segment was disturbing. but the whole thing is a work of art. Loved the remix too
Rofl the fuck did I just watch. Stellar animation quality, cucko licking segment was disturbing. but the whole thing is a work of art. Loved the remix too
Damn girl you work fast.
N I C E!
I fucking loved Geiko, she's so cute. Very wholesome to have Geison/Jason have a little cute daughteru killer in training, and have her get all upset when she thinks her dad disapproved of her.
A worthy Archive.
That slow-mo water shot at the end was cool as hell.
Love the Nene designs, looks sick
Thank you!!! ♡
Man you're just perma making stuff aren't you? I see so much of your stuff in my feed. I really love Hellsing and Seras Victoria, which is why I'm going to give a lil criticism here that I think something about how she looks during the side profile sequence is a little off, might be due to her nose, not sure. Everything else looks great and its a nicely animated little scene. If you ever decide to revisit it some little edits would turn it into a 10/10.
Smooth as hell.
Caxx have demon horns because she's about to do something bad?
I've been waiting for this moment.
A classic for you if you haven't seen it
I grew up with AOSTH VHSs and rewatched them a bajillion times. Long John Baldry's voice for Robotnik is legendary, those rolling RRRRRRRrrrrs are so good. Much like your animation quality, damn, it's incredibly smooth.
Do you do all the voices? I notice the gamer chad voice and the creepy druid voice, but the meek wizard I'm not familiar with.
Loved Father Gregor in this, and seeing his rational good responses to every situation. Also going straight into trying to fight Moloch but putting priority on keeping the kids safe. I feel bad for him in the extra credits scene, will be interesting to see what happens toward the end. This started as a very tonally different series but now you're tying up all the loose ends while having a serious interesting storyline. I love how much thought and effort went into this series and all the cool people and nice backgrounds involved. It'll be another year or year and a half before we get another but it's been worth it every time. I think the biggest winner is always going to be Tender Treats because the villain was so awesome and well liked, but highs and lows to tell a story will make this whole thing even better years later.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible!
Joined on 2/7/09