I was so scared Yugi was going to lose, but he really pulled through in the end.
I was so scared Yugi was going to lose, but he really pulled through in the end.
I love the walkcycle at the end. What a glorious time to be alive
Jesus it's been 10 years? It was so good. Was expecting a creepy reveal of the beast with all the holes and spots like in the show, but it's still very nice to see. I was never really sure if what they saw was real or not given how it ended, but I feel like some of it had to be.
Forgot about this absolutely legendary animation
This was adorable and I loved it. Voice delivery was perfect and humor was great
I'm so glad that toadburger didn't perish. I was waiting the whole time anxious for him
Such an AMAZING sequel! I loved the first one so much, the voice delivery! the tension! the humor! THE COLOURS. When I saw this sequel appear I was simply happy to see more of Liv, but instead it's a timeless animation that will live forever! its SO GOOD. THE ACTION! THE -COLOURS- THE INTERESTING CHARACTERS! THE MONKEY I WAS CERTAIN WAS SRPELO.
You took the last animation, turned it to 11, then spun the dial 3 more times just to be sure. Thanks to everyone who worked on this for making something so cool!
Great animation and visuals, soulful interesting story, I saw the '2014' and thought of 2004 for my own schoolyears and was like "Huh, we didn't have kids vaping on the bus, this person must be out of tou-" then realized my mistake. We mostly just had a big circle 2 inches off school property with a big smoke cloud over it where kids smoked cigarettes and weed, but you couldn't do that anywhere near indoors or on a bus. The bus driver is totally on point though, dealing with 30+ loud kids fighting and arguing every day for 2 hours drove them crazy.
Nice Schmorb, nice tunes
Joined on 2/7/09